Severe Dehydration in the Elderly

by Carmen

My mother just passed away. I feel like it was because of dehydration in the elderly but doctors were saying she had a stroke and her symptoms were unexplainable.

Weird... because I still feel like she had all the signs of severe dehydration.

You see, my mother was in the process of getting dentures and was eating baby food for a year.

Her frame was getting smaller and smaller. Even though the nurses were saying it was medication, it seems like she just wasn't getting enough foot and fluids.

I feel like the doctors and elderly caregivers didn't do a good enough job. I wish I knew more so that I could have helped her more.

I guess, in the end, children of aging parents need to take care and ask questions about there parents care.

Don't always assume they are being well taken care of. I would suggest starting with researching symptoms on the internet.

Does anyone else have any suggestions?

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Mar 18, 2012
Aging parents care
by: Anonymous

I appreciate your thought about starting researching on the internet. I always find this helpful but also follow up with our doctor who we have a good relationship with. Also, the pharmacist who give us the pills for my mom suggested bringing all her pills in once a year so he can review them for med interactions. Thanks for sharing your story.

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